
菲利普 阿特巴赫 2011年首都高校讲座系列

2011-10-17    点击:


Altbach’sBeijing Lectures, October 2011


Working Language:English

讲座一 高等教育的世界趋势:对发展中国家的影响

9:30am-11:30am, 10月26日,人民大学明德商学楼404教室

Worldwide Trends in Higher Education:Implications for Developing Countries

(9:30am-11:30am,October 26:Room 404, School of Mingde Business,Renmin University)

We live in an era of academic revolution. Largely as a result of massification and the growth of the knowledge economy has higher education changed so much. Current challenges include how to cope with expansion and sustaining research universities simultaneously, the increasing privatization of higher education, the implications of globalization, the role of the English language as the key of science, and others. This discussion will provide a global analysis of trends, with a special focus on the implications for developing countries.

讲座二 研究型大学的过去、现在与未来:全球化视角

14:30-16:30, 10月26日,北京大学教育学院112报告厅

The Past, Present, and Future of the Research University in Global Perspective

(14:30-16:30,October 26:Room 112, Graduate School of Education,Peking University)

In the 21stcentury, the research university is at the center of the higher education in almost all countries, and is one of the key institutions of the knowledge economy of the new millennium. It is, in short, one of the society’s most important institutions. For this reason, we need to understand the history, development, and prospects for the research university.

讲座三 全球化竞争与影响:世界一流大学与排名


Global Competition and Its Implications: The World Class Idea and Rankings

(9:00am-11:00am,October 27(Thursday), Room201,First Teaching Building, Tsinghua University)

Globalization has created competition among universities worldwide at the top. Increasingly the best students and academics are attracted to the best universities around the world. Global rankings have intensified this competition. This discussion will discuss the nature of the competition and why its has developed, and will analyze the phenomenon of rankings—including focusing on the various ranking systems and how they work.



Globalization, Internationalization and Multinationalization

(15:30-17:30,October 27,Room318,Yin-Dong Building,Beijing Normal University)

Higher education everywhere is affected by global trends as never before. Definitions of the key terms of globalization, internationalization, and multinationalization as they relate to universities frame the debate. It is important to keep in mind that global academic relations contain an element of inequality, as the powerful academic systems at the center have impact on peripheral universities and systems. These general themes are analyzed by discussing specific elements such as the role of English as the main language of science and scholarship, the role of international flows of students and professors, the internationalization of the curriculum, information technology, and other aspects. Multinationalization includes an analysis of branch campuses, twinning programs and related cross-border developments.

Bio statement for Philip G. Altbach

Philip G. Altbachis J. Donald Monan, S.J. University Professor and director of the Center for International Higher Education in the Lynch School of Education at Boston College. He was the 2004–2006 Distinguished Scholar Leader for the New Century Scholars initiative of the Fulbright program, and in 2010 was an Erudite Scholar of the Government of Kerala in India, and is a member of the International Academy of Education. He has been a senior associate of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, and has taught at the State University of New York at Buffalo, the University of Wisconsin, Madison, and Harvard University. He has had awards from the German Academic Exchange Service, the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, and others.