
International Journal Chinese Education

2020-11-30    Click:

The International Journal of Chinese Education (IJCE) is a fully peer-reviewed and open access journal which publishes research articles on China and Chinese education.

Since 2011 IJCE has published authoritative articles which have helped understand and advance significant facets of education.

IJCE is supported by a distinguished Editorial Board, senior Editors, and Editorial Office based at a leading global university, and contributions from esteemed researchers and emerging scholars.


The International Journal of Chinese Education (IJCE) aims to improve education research and development in ways relevant to China and Chinese education.

IJCE Scope

IJCE welcomes empirical, theoretical and technical studies.

Articles can address all China-relevant education research, policy and practice, including comparative and multi-disciplinary studies. IJCE covers all formal and less formal areas and levels of education. Articles should be of interest to scholars, advanced students, policy makers, and the interested public significant originality is encouraged. IJCE publishes Special issues on important topics. Proposals should be emailed to the IJCE Editorial Office detailing: volume title; guest editors; theme; abstract; keywords; focus; rationale; paper requirements; potential authors; procurement methods; and timelines for submission, review and publication.
